Saturday 16 October 2010

The Guest House

The Guest House

by Rumi

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honourably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

(Translated by Coleman Barks)

Rumi (1207- 1272) is an acclaimed and revered Sufi poet who was born in Afghanistan.

This particular poem of his has always stood out as I believe that it teaches us one of life’s greatest lessons: acceptance. It was written in the 13th century and its message is still relevant to our society today.

To accept whatever life brings us, the good times and the bad, the joy and the sorrow and not let them get you down as they “may be clearing you out for some new delight”.

These experiences will teach us a lesson which ultimately will allow us to develop as individuals.

What do you, the readers, think?

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