
My name is Asmaa Mursi, I'm a British Muslim of Egyptian origin and teaching Tajweed, Arabic language, Quranic Arabic and the director of Muslimah.
Living in Luton for the last ten years I have seen an  emerging and growing confidence  within the  muslim women of  this town. Luton's  Muslim women are not only  socially active in all spectrums and areas of work,  education but  also  Political and  community engagement. However this empowered confidence has not been  fully showcased or introduced to other women in the town and  it has been ignored by the  media.
In the past I struggled to find a local  resource for articles, and issues that effect muslim women written by muslim women or a  platform to bring  muslim women of all walks of life in Luton  to  be united.
Therefore I felt it to be necessary to provide a website that will  not only discuss issues but also  collect all the stories of our sisters locally , and  promote  forthcoming activities being held in  and around the community and events nationally. 
I hope the Muslimah website will be our voice.
 Most importantly  I hope the website will be a shining example for our youth to take further pride in their Muslim identity and engage in the celebration of our Islamic history. We descend from  an honourable rich  history of dynamic Muslim  women I wish to celebrate the achievement of our sisters past, present and future.

I hope as a muslim women of this town you can help me celebrate our achievements by contributing to this website.
 So  as I have already mentioned in this blog I would like to highlight the women in our Islamic history and their roles, women who play an important role in today's modern world and particularly in Luton. I do encourage Muslim women to take part with me in this, to help collect as many articles as possible about Muslim women contributing positively to our communities. Please if you have or would like to produce  an interesting article then  please email muslimahinluton@hotmail.com and I would like women and girls to start a discussion on how we could follow this example in our modern world. 

Asmaa Mursi
Luton Muslimah